Anger Management


Anger management therapy is carried out through several sessions. Each session helps you relieve tension and brings you one step closer to solving the overall problem. With Dr Bosman’s techniques, you will be able to deal with anger in a calm, non-threatening way.

How do you know you cannot control your temper?

The most important part of anger management is acknowledging that you have a problem with the way you handle stressful situations. Of course, the first step is affirming the issue, but you have to acknowledge the signs to do this.

Signs of an anger problem include:

  • Getting angry over trivial issues
  • Irritation
  • Excessive, violent behaviour
  • Insomnia
  • Regret the things you say
  • Impatience
  • Rapid breathing
  • Migraines
  • Flushing
  • Pacing
  • Difficulty concentrating

Why is managing your anger such an important part of healing?

Although anger is a way of our psyche recognising something is wrong, harbouring it for too long can cause long-term damage to your immune system and emotional wellbeing.

So, the question is: can anger make you ill? The answer is yes.

Continuous anger weakens the immune system, leading to migraines, gastritis and high blood pressure. Apart from the physical symptoms, prolonged anger can take a toll on your mental health. As a result, you can lash out verbally at loved ones, friends or colleagues. Ultimately, you are the one left isolated, hurt and filled with self-doubt.

Anger management can help you get to the root of your behaviour and positively use these feelings of negativity.

How can I manage my anger?

Dr Bosman will show you how to transition into a calm state and then express your frustration in a non-confrontational way.

Epictetus, a great and wise philosopher pointed out more than 2000 years ago that you choose to overreact to the obnoxious and unfair behaviour of others. You don’t have to. And, as he did, you can more wisely choose to react much differently.

What are the costs of Anger?

  • Anger destroys personal relationships
  • Anger disrupts work relationships
  • Anger tends to make difficult situations worse
  • Anger sparks aggression
  • Anger may lead to heart disease
  • Anger has personal emotional costs

Myths about how to deal with anger

  • Actively expressing your anger reduces it
  • Take some time away when you feel angry
  • Anger helps you to get what you want
  • Insights into your past decreases your anger
  • Outside events make you angry


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Dr Bosman offers support in a relaxed atmosphere and a safe environment
where you can feel comfortable to deal with problems without being judged.
Dr Bosman offers therapy in both Afrikaans and English.